By the end of a Reiki Level 2 course, you will be able to:

  • Use the advanced techniques in our tradition (increasing the power in a treatment, helping emotional and mental issues during a treatment and use Reiki for absent treatments).

  • Connect intuitively to information while treating clients.

  • Practice the foundational hand positions from Level 1, and learn and use alternate hand positions to support clients in a Reiki treatment.

Reiki Level 2.

Reiki Level 2, also called Second Degree Reiki, is the advanced practice for those that have taken Reiki Level 1 in the Usui Shiki Ryoho Tradition. Please note that we ask students to practice Reiki for 90 days (three months) after their Reiki Level 1 class before taking a Level 2 class. This is to ensure that students are prepared for the increased flow of Reiki energy that they receive in a Reiki Level 2 class. As the student, you will continue to develop and practice your natural intuitive abilities and learn advanced Reiki techniques to use with both yourself and others.

Reiki Level 2 is a 16-hour class taught over either two, three or four days. The class is divided into four sections, each from 3 to 4 hours. In addition to learning advanced Reiki techniques, students will also receive two attunements (also called an initiation) from the teacher.