By the end of a Scanning the Chakras Class, you will be able to:

  • Sensitize your hands to a person’s energy body and sense energy with your hands.

  • Learn the opening and closing spiral and how to use them at the beginning and end of Reiki treatments.

Opening and Closing The Aura.

In this class, Reiki students will learn the Opening & Closing Spiral technique developed by Dr. W. Brugh Joy and adapted to Reiki John Harvey Gray. Using the Opening Spiral at the start of every Reiki treatment and the Closing Spiral at the conclusion of each treatment will help a client to absorb more Reiki in each session and hold onto that energy for several extra days afterwards.

Hawayo Takata strongly encouraged John Harvey Gray to learn more about the body’s energy field (aura) and energy centers (chakras) during his time of training with her to become a Reiki Master. When John opened a Reiki clinic in Northern California, he began to observe the emotional and physical releases that arose for clients over the course of several Reiki treatments. This exploration of the human energy system became the focus of John’s Reiki Master training research project (a tradition in our lineage in which Master candidates explore a question that arises during their development in Mastery.)

To answer his questions, John studied with Richard Moss, M.D. and W. Brugh Joy, M.D., two pioneers among American medical doctors and researchers, and learned from them that aura and chakra energies not only exist, but can be felt and measured with accuracy using the hand. He also began to learn from them, and from the work of Wilhelm Reich, that the strength or weakness of these energies has a direct effect on the health of the body, mind, and emotions. Reich in particular proved that muscles around each chakra contract and hold onto traumatic memories and emotions, causing the flow of energy through the chakra and into surrounding body tissues to diminish significantly. [We teach these hand scanning techniques and the framework for analysis, which John called “Emotionality in the Chakras,” in the Scanning the Chakras class.]

The Opening & Closing Spirals, developed by W. Brugh Joy M.D., and detailed in his book, Joy’s Way, is a technique John learned directly from Joy that, while not part of Takata’s Reiki teaching, enhances the Reiki treatment. Takata herself authorized John to use the technique and to teach it to students he trained.

  1. When performed before the Reiki treatment, the Opening Spiral allows the client’s subtle energy system to receive more Reiki, and

  2. When performed at the conclusion of the Reiki treatment, the Closing Spiral seals the client’s subtle energy system to extend the healing benefits for much longer after the Reiki session.